Body Positivity

You can’t hate yourself happy. You can’t criticize yourself thin. You can’t shame yourself worthy. Real change begins with self-love and self-care.

– Jessica Ortner

“I’ll start my diet on Monday.”

Of course, that means a weekend binge – you must make the freedom count!

You promise yourself that it will all be okay once you reach that magic number – that you’ll finally be happy once you lose the weight.

But when Monday comes, you roll out of bed and look in the mirror; all your earlier promises to yourself fall by the wayside. The words of defeat, self-hatred, and failure creep into your mind.

You’ve become a hostage to your negativity. So instead of a fresh start, you go about your day, suffering in silence – until the cycle of empty promises and unkind words begins again.

You view yourself through the wrong lens.

Unfortunately, we live in a society that allows the size of our jeans or the number on the scale to define the ‘standard’ of beauty. Self-worth then becomes something you chase, based on unrealistic expectations set by people you don’t even know.

Social media, television, and movies negatively reinforce your attitude toward your body.

How you ‘should’ look becomes the unnecessary battle continually fought, resulting in feelings of shame, embarrassment, insecurity, and inadequacy.

This negative view occurs without ever allowing yourself to appreciate who you are as a whole person.

Look through your lens – not someone else’s.

You deserve to have a positive body image, regardless of how society and pop culture view ideal shape, size, and appearance.

By changing the narrative in your mind, you can learn to think healthier – not skinnier.

The change in narrative helps you discover the beauty of complimenting others and stop comparing yourself to the world around you.

Adjusting your attitude about ‘YOU’!

To be truly happy, you need to shed those self-loathing thoughts rather than pounds.

Body positivity is only a piece of the puzzle; in our work together, we’ll explore your negative self-view and redefine your self-perception. Using time-proven principles with new skills, I’ll help you redefine who you are, rather than letting negativity define you.

You can learn self-acceptance, self-love, and how to live in the present. When you commit yourself, you will acquire the skills of positivity and confidence.

I can help you appreciate the whole you, not just what you see in the mirror. Contact me today!